

hyun bin - 彬 陈乔恩-恩 陈楚河-楚 宋慧乔- 恩:谢谢你人真好。慧:你再不走你就被人骂的哦,你到底要不要走?恩:那么急干吗,走就走。慧:快啦!楚:你们说够了吗?你们再说我就不理你们咯。他(她)们就走出出口。恩:我们最好坐texi回你家,记得我在你家住5天哦。慧:我又不是你,对咯今晚有学校庆祝的晚会你要不要去?恩:当然去啦,免费吃啊不吃会很可惜的,对咯楚你有没有去?楚:有,拜拜我要回家咯。慧:拜拜see u tonight .第五集别错过。

4 条评论:

啊利 说...

dear, you are writing a story?

jojongau 说...

ya,gugu when online?

啊利 说...

most of the time i m online. afternoon and at night after dinner.why?

erher~ i want to watch the korean drama but the dvd 4 is not there.......

啊利 说...

umm~ good start for creating a story ! try to add on more description about the scene and the characters... what they wear, how is their actions, how is the place looks like... it can makes your story more attractive.
anyway, good try!
AZA AZA fighting~